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After opening the game, wait until it loads in your browser then click on the flashing start button. Select the jigsaw you want to play and then the difficulty level (number of pieces). The game will open and re-arrange the jigsaw pieces. It starts with jigsaw rotation on, rotate pieces using mouse click/buttons - To switch this rotation feature off click on the rotation button at the bottom right of the game. Enjoy the jigsaw and have fun.

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The mysterious world of lemurs

Learn more about lemurs and their conservation.

These fascinating creatures have captivated the imaginations of biologists and nature enthusiasts alike. lemures, also known as lemurs or, "ghosts" or "spirits", are nocturnal primates native to the island of Madagascar. With their large, reflective eyes and haunting calls echoing through the night, lemurs are unique and enigmatic.

Types of lemurs

lemurs belong to the family Lemuridae, which includes various species, such as the ring-tailed lemur, the black-and-white ruffed lemur, and the red-fronted lemur. Each species has its distinct characteristics, from the elegant striped tail of the ring-tailed lemur to the fluffy, clown-like appearance of the ruffed lemur.

lemurs are highly diverse in terms of their physical features and behaviours. Some lemurs, like the ring-tailed ones, are known for their distinctive black and white striped tails and ability to walk on two legs. Others, like the indri lemur, are famous for their loud and haunting calls that can be heard for miles.

Despite their differences, all lemurs share common traits, such as their nocturnal lifestyle, a keen sense of smell, and an ability to leap through the treetops with agility. These adaptations have allowed lemurs to thrive in the diverse habitats of Madagascar.

Habitat and distribution of lemurs

lemurs are endemic to the island of Madagascar, which is known for its rich biodiversity and unique ecosystems. The island provides lemurs with a wide range of habitats, including rainforests, dry forests, and spiny forests. Each lemur species has its preferred habitat, depending on its specific dietary and environmental requirements.

The distribution of lemurs is closely linked to the availability of suitable habitats. Some lemurs, like the ring-tailed lemur, have adapted to live in a variety of habitats, including both forests and open grasslands. Others, like the black-and-white ruffed lemur, are more specialized and can only be found in specific regions of Madagascar.

However, lemurs are facing increasing threats to their habitats due to deforestation, illegal logging, and the expansion of agriculture. These activities have resulted in the loss and fragmentation of lemurs' natural habitats, making them more vulnerable to extinction.


Unique characteristics of lemurs

lemurs possess a range of unique characteristics that set them apart from other primates. One of the most striking features of lemurs is their large, round eyes. These eyes are specially adapted to enhance their night vision, allowing them to navigate through the dense forests of Madagascar in search of food and mates.

Another distinctive characteristic of lemurs is their long, bushy tails. These tails serve multiple purposes, including communication, balance, and as a form of storage for food. Some lemurs even have prehensile tails, which they can use to grasp branches and move through the treetops with ease.

lemurs also have a unique dental formula, which varies among different species. Their teeth are adapted to their specific diets, including fruits, leaves, nectar, and even small vertebrates. This dietary flexibility has allowed lemurs to occupy a wide range of niches within their ecosystems.

Lemur picture

Feeding habits of lemurs

lemurs have diverse feeding habits, depending on their species and food availability in their habitats. Most lemurs are omnivorous, consuming various plant matter, including fruits, leaves, flowers, and even bark. Some lemurs, like the sifakas, have specialized diets, mainly of leaves.
The diet of lemurs is important not only for their survival but also for the ecosystems they inhabit. As primary seed dispersers, lemurs play a vital role in maintaining the balance of flora and fauna in the forests of Madagascar. By consuming fruits and then excreting the seeds in different locations, lemurs help to disperse plant species and promote biodiversity.

Lemure picture 3

Reproduction and life cycle of lemurs

lemurs have unique reproductive behaviours and life cycles. Most lemurs have a seasonal breeding pattern, with specific mating seasons that coincide with the availability of resources. During the mating season, males compete for the attention of females through various displays and vocalizations.

Gestation periods for lemurs vary depending on the species but generally range from 90 to 120 days. After giving birth, female lemurs take great care of their offspring, nursing them and providing protection. The young lemurs cling to their mother's chest and later ride on her back as they grow older.

As lemurs mature, they gradually become more independent and start to explore their surroundings. Some species, like the ring-tailed lemur, live in groups called troops, developing complex social structures and hierarchies. These social interactions play a crucial role in the survival and well-being of lemurs.

Lemur with baby lemur

Threats to lemurs and conservation efforts

lemurs face numerous threats to their survival, primarily due to habitat loss and fragmentation, as well as hunting and illegal wildlife trade. The destruction of their natural habitats, mainly caused by deforestation for agriculture and logging, has significantly reduced the available living space for lemurs.

Additionally, lemurs are often hunted for bushmeat, traditional medicine, and the pet trade. These unsustainable hunting practices and the destruction of their habitats have pushed many lemur species to the brink of extinction. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), lemurs are considered one of the most endangered groups of mammals on the planet.

To combat these threats, various conservation organizations and local communities in Madagascar are working tirelessly to protect lemurs and their habitats. Efforts include establishing protected areas, promoting sustainable land-use practices, and raising awareness about the importance of lemurs for the ecosystem.

Lemurs with a baby (pup) lemur

lemurs Interactions with humans

lemurs have a complex relationship with humans. In some areas of Madagascar, lemurs are considered sacred and are protected by cultural taboos. These cultural beliefs have helped to preserve certain lemur populations and their habitats.
However, lemurs are also impacted by human activities, such as habitat destruction and hunting. The expansion of agriculture and logging has led to increased human-wildlife conflicts, as lemurs are forced to search for food and shelter in human-dominated landscapes.

Tourism has also had both positive and negative effects on lemurs. On the one hand, ecotourism has provided economic opportunities for local communities and raised awareness about the importance of conservation. On the other hand, unregulated tourism can disrupt lemur behaviour and habitat, leading to stress and disturbance.

Lemur with young

Famous lemurs in popular culture

lemurs have captured people's imaginations worldwide and become famous characters in popular culture. One of the most well-known lemurs is King Julien from the animated movie "Madagascar." King Julien, a ring-tailed lemur, is depicted as a charismatic and eccentric leader of a lemur tribe.

Lemurs have also been featured in numerous documentaries, showcasing their unique behaviours and challenges in the wild. These documentaries have played a vital role in raising awareness about lemur conservation and the need to protect their habitats.

Conclusion: The importance of lemurs in the ecosystem

lemurs are not just fascinating creatures but also crucial in maintaining the balance of Madagascar's ecosystems. As primary seed dispersers, they contribute to the regeneration of forests and the diversity of plant species. Additionally, lemurs are an essential part of the food web, serving as prey for predators and helping to control insect populations.

The conservation of lemurs and their habitats is of utmost importance. By protecting lemurs, we ensure these incredible creatures' survival and safeguard Madagascar's unique biodiversity. Our responsibility is to take action and support conservation efforts to secure a future where lemurs continue to thrive in their natural habitats.

There is still much to discover and understand in the mysterious world of lemurs. Let us continue to unravel the mysteries and unlock the secrets of these magical creatures whose presence reminds us of our planet's incredible diversity of life.

Learn more about lemurs and their conservation: Lemur Conservation Network, The Wilder Institute - Lemurs, The Lemur Conservation Foundation, IUCN SOS Lemurs.

Books on Lemurs

Lemurs of Madagascar (Conservation International Tropical Field Guides)

Lemurs of Madagascar (Conservation International Tropical Field Guides)

The island nation of Madagascar has 101 species and sub-species of lemurs - those captivating primates found nowhere else on Earth. "The Tropical Field Guide series of Conservation International" is one of the most current and authoritative books on the topic.